The scientific program of CFRAC 2015 is composed of 5 plenary lectures and of minisymposia devoted to various topics within the general theme of computational fracture and failure. Each minisymposium will feature one or more sessions, typically with 5 presentations per session. The list below contains the title of each minisymposium and the names of its organizers. Short descriptions of individual minisymposia can be seen after clicking on the minisymposium title.
Proposal of Minisymposia on topics not already covered in the following list of minisymposia are welcome and should be addressed to O. Allix.
List of minisymposia
MS1: Advanced finite element technology for discontinuities and evolving interfaces
J. Alfaiate Instituto (Superior Tecnico, Lisbon, Portugal), L. J. Sluys (Delft University, Netherlands), D. Dias-da-Costa (University of Sydney, Australia)
MS2: Advances in the Experiment-Modeling Dialog
Stéphane Roux (ENS Cachan France), J. Réthoré (LAMCOS, France)
MS3: Cracking due to coupled processes, including durability mechanics and hydraulic fracture
I. Carol (UPC Barcelona, Spain), K. Willam (University of Houston, Texas, USA)
MS4: Ductile fracture, modeling of shear bands and necking
P.-O. Bouchard (CEMEF Sophia Antipolis, France), J. M. A. César de Sá (U. of Porto, Portugal), R. H. J. Peerlings (TU Eindhoven, Netherlands)
MS5: Dynamic fracture, fragmentation and impact
A. Combescure (INSA Lyon, France), J. Ožbolt (U. of Stuttgart, Germany)
MS6: Fracture and contact, fretting, cohesive interface models
F. Gatuingt (ENS Cachan France), J-F Molinari (EPFL, Switzerland)
MS7: Fracture and damage of composites and laminates
P. P. Camanho (U. of Porto, Portugal), S. Hallett (U. of Bristol, United Kingdom)
J. Remmers (TU Eindhoven, Netherlands)
MS8: Fracture of thin structure
P. Areias (Univesidade de Evora, Portugal), T. Rabczuk (Institute of Structural Mechanics Bauhaus-University of Weimar, Germany), M. Bezzeghoud (Univesidade de Evora, Portugal)
MS9: Industrial applications
J. C. Gálvez (U.P. Madrid, Spain), C. Huchette (ONERA, France), P. Massin (LAMSID-EDF, France), Ph. Pasquet (Consultant, France)
MS10: Innovative trends and applications in fracture mechanics
O. Allix (ENS Cachan, France), M. Jirásek (Czech Technical University in Prague, Czech Republic),
X. Oliver (TU Catalonia, Spain), N Moës (ECN Nantes, France)
MS11: Modeling of cutting, puncturing, blanking and similar processes
U. Perego (Politechnico di Milano, Italy), J-P. Ponthot (Université de Liège, Belgium)
MS12: Modeling of data uncertainty in failure analysis
M. Kaliske (TU Dresden, Germany)
MS13: Multi-scale analysis
M. G. D. Geers (TU Eindhoven, Netherlands), A. E. Huespe (Universidad Nacional del Litoral, Argentina), S. Loehnert (U. of Hannover, Germany), X. Oliver (TU Catalonia, Spain), P. Wriggers (U. of Hannover, Germany)
MS14: Nonlocal damage models and other regularized approaches & ·Transition from damage to fracture
C. Miehe (U. of Stuttgart, Germany), M. Jirásek (Czech Technical University in Prague, Czech Republic), N. Moës (ECN Nantes, France)
MS15: Quasi-brittle failure with applications to concrete and fiber-reinforced concrete
I. Carol (UPC Barcelona, Spain), G. Pijaudier-Cabot (U. of Pau, France)
MS16: Theory of fracture, crack propagation criteria, and crack tracking algorithms
A. Pandolfi (Politecnico di Milano, Italy), M. Ortiz (Caltech, USA)