CFRAC 2015
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Organizers / Committees

Conference Chairmen

 X. OLIVER, Technical University of Catalonia, Spain

Technical University of Catalonia, Spain

 M. JIRÁSEK, Czech Technical University in Prague, Czech Republic

Czech Technical University in Prague, Czech Republic

 O. ALLIX, École Normale Supérieure de Cachan, France

École Normale Supérieure de Cachan, France

 N. MOËS, École Centrale de Nantes, France

École Centrale de Nantes, France


 Scientific Committee

P. Areias (Univesidade de Evora, Portugal)
J. Alfaiate (Instituto Superior Tecnico, Lisbon, Portugal)
M. Bezzeghoud (Universidade de Evora, Portugal)
P.-O. Bouchard (CEMEF Sophia Antipolis, France)
P. P. Camanho (U. of Porto, Portugal)
J. M. A. César de Sá (U. of Porto, Portugal)
A. Combescure (INSA Lyon, France)
I. Carol (UPC Barcelona, Spain)
D. Dias-da-Costa (University of Sydney, Australia)
F. Gatuingt (ENS Cachan France)
J C. Gálvez (U.P. Madrid, Spain)
M. G. D. Geers (TU Eindhoven, Netherlands)
S. Hallett (U. of Bristol, United Kingdom)
C. Huchette (Chatillon, France)
A. E. Huespe (Universidad Nacional del Litoral, Argentina)
M. Kaliske (TU-Dresden, Germany)
S. Löhnert (U. of Hannover, Germany)
P. Massin (LAMSID-EDF, France)
C. Miehe (U. of Stuttgart, Germany)
J-F Molinari (EPFL, Switzerland)
J. Ozbolt (U. of Stuttgart, Germany)
M. Ortiz (Pasadena, USA)
A. Pandolfi (Politechnico di Milano, Italy)
Ph. Pasquet (France)
R. H. J. Peerlings (TU Eindhoven, Netherlands)
U. Perego (Politechnico di Milano, Italy)
G. Pijaudier-Cabot (U. of Pau, France)
J-P. Ponthot (Université de Liège, Belgium)
T. Rabczuk (Institute of Structural Mechanics Bauhaus-University of Weimar, Germany)
J. Remmers (TU Eindhoven, Netherlands)
J. Réthoré (INSA de Lyon, France)
S. Roux (ENS Cachan France)
L. J. Sluys (Delft University, Netherlands)
K. Willam (University of Houston, Texas, USA)
P. Wriggers (U. of Hannover, Germany)

Local Organizing Committee


Lydia Matijevic


Cedric Cheveaux


Emmanuel Baranger


Ahmed Benallal


Pierre Alain Boucard


Fabrice Gatuingt


Pierre Gosselet


Pierre-Alain Guidault


François Hild


Frédéric  Ragueneau 


Stéphane Roux


David Néron

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